Sunday, 9 February 2020

Kampavata (Parkinson’s disease) Ayurvedic view

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Kampavata (Parkinson’s disease) Ayurvedic view
Ayurveda the science of healing mainly focus on aim “swastasya swatha rakshanam athurasya vikara prashamana” the great words of ancient sages that could be simplified as prevention is better than cure. There is condition in which occurred pathology cannot be reversed but can be arrested from further progression and hence the person can be saved from its complication. Vata the prime factor of movement is the basic support for even other Dosha since it’s the only Dosha which could move and help other components to move if vata gets deranged all the other components will also get affected.
Parkinson’s is a motar system affecting disease, related to CNS (central nervous system). It is caused due to degeneration of pigmented neurons in zona compacta of substantia nigra resulting decrease of dopamine level in brain further leading to motar disfunction or in simple words its just the death of dopamine generating cells. Still the cause of death of cells are unknown. Here the person will be unable to control his movement since the dopamine is related to movement.

Ayurvedic view of Parkinson:
Ayurveda, we mainly give predominance to dosas (vata, pitta, kapha) and its equilibrium. In ayurvedic references Parkinson’s could be co-related to KAMPAVATA or VEPATHU which is caused by aggravated vata. In this condition, generalized involuntary movements of all parts of body / head only.
The medications of kambavata is explained in our brihatries (susrutha samhitha, charaka samhitha and astanga hrudaya). In Charaka samhitha, a detailed description is provided along with its line of management.
1.       Prevalence increases from 1% in people over 65 years to 5% people over 80.
2.       Both men and women are equally affected.
3.       Rarely seen in young generation, the Parkinson seen in young generation is coined as young onset PD.
Not well known but factors contributing pathogenesis are:
1.       Genetic factors
2.       Accelerated aging
3.       Use of drugs like reserpine, ethanol etc.
4.       Repeated history of fall
5.       Toxins such as environmental (methyl-phenyl-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP) etc.)   
Classical triads of Parkinson’s:
1.       Resting tremors
2.       Bradykinesia
3.       Rigidity
The other symptoms include.
1.       Decreased facial expressions
2.       Stooped posture
3.       Pill rolling movements
4.       Masked face
5.       Sluggish speech
6.       Difficulty in swallowing
7.       Low rate of blinking

1.       Frequent falls
2.       Incapacitation
3.       Depression
4.       Dementia
5.       Urinary incontinence
6.       Constipation
7.       Aspiration etc.

1.       Nidana Parivarjana (avoiding of causative factors like enviornmentals, toxins, drugs etc.)
2.       Shodana chikilsa (bio clensing therapies like Panchakarma – the detoxification)
3.       Samana Chikilsa (internal medications)

Some effective drugs and oils in Parkinson’s:
1.       Mahanarayana Thailam
2.       Ksheerabala Thailam
3.       Sahacharathi Thailam
4.       Brahmigritham
5.       Aswaganda Choornam
6.       Dasamoolakwatha etc.
*Note: These drugs should only be taken under ayurvedic physician supervison.


Pathya (Compatible food) :
1.       Shali (Brown Rice)
2.       Citrus fruits (Orange, Pomegranate, Peach etc.)
3.       Vegetables
4.       Nuts
5.       Milk and fresh milk products except cheese
6.       Garlic
7.       Asafetida
8.       Sprout beans etc.
9.       Regular exercises
10.   Be as active as possible

Apathya (incompatible food) :
1.       Yava (Barley)
2.       Peas
3.       Jambu
4.       Excess protein diets
5.       Hot spicy foods
6.       Virudha aahara (incompactible foods)

Nature Care Ayurveda Yoga Detox & Rejuvenation is the only Sydney based Ayurvedic centre where you can experience a complete range of Ayurvedic therapies like Panchakarma, Shirodhara, Detox, Abhyanga Body massage and consultation from experts.  The team is highly professional and working under the direction of Director Dr Naveen Shukla (Vice President Australasian association of Ayurveda for NSW), Panchakarma specialist, Chief Ayurveda physician,
Dr Nikhila Venugopal (Marma & Gynae specialist), 
Dr Urmila Anil Kumar (specialist in Panchakarma and skin care) & Dr Vishal Sharma (Member International Academy of Ayurveda).
Nature Care Ayurveda & Desi Australia in synergy focused to spread the word of Ayurveda in the community and promote wellbeing as “WE CARE FOR YOU”
For more information /to see a doctor/ for specific health concern visit our website or call us on 02 9572 6990